1.5 hours
About the Course
In this class, we'll dive into the basics of tango, including the fundamental steps, rhythm, and milonga. We'll also touch on musicality, the history of tango instruments, and the evolution of the style. We'll focus on practicing the eight core steps, understanding proper posture, and recognizing rhythmic walking.
Your Instructor
Luciana Arias
Luciana Arias is a multidisciplinary artist working within the intersections of visual
arts, dance, sound, performance and theater. Arias was born in Argentina, growing up
dancing Tango and Bellydance in local companies for over a decade. They later majored in
Choreographic Composition and Corporeal Expression Dance at the National University of
the Arts in Buenos Aires. Arias danced in the Grupo de Experimentación en Arte del
Movimiento (GEAM) between 2013-2017. In the USA, Arias toured with numerous musicians
and performance acts between 2017-2023, and danced for the Atlanta company GLO from
During their time in University, Arias was introduced to the Japanese style of Butoh
dance by Rhea Volij, later studying under Julie Becton in Asheville and Mishi Chavez of
Vermont. Arias has since presented, taught, and been featured in festivals internationally
across Argentina, Brazil, Germany, and the States. They currently teach workshops focusing
on improvisation and collaboration between musicians and dancers, as well as conduct for
the Atlanta Improviser Orchestra.